Monday, February 3, 2014

For the month of February, I want to challenge you to treat  yourself as good as you treat others.  For Valentine's Day, give yourself the gift of love and acceptance.
Far too often we are hard on ourselves, we expect too much and then we tell ourselves that we aren't good enough.  This affects our self-image - it's what you say to yourself and not what other say that programs your self-image.  Only say things to yourself that you want to true.

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Monday, January 27, 2014

The Key to Staying Young

 The key to staying young is all in the way you view your age. 
If you have it set in your mind that you are only going to live until you are 80, you’ll find yourself starting to act old at 60. 

Instead, if you are 60 say to yourself “I act, think and feel like I’m 40”.  If you are 40 then tell yourself “I act think and feel like I’m 20.” Write this down and read it every day. You will find that once you start viewing your age differently, you will start acting, thinking and feeling 20 years younger. 

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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Sometimes peple wish they could magically control their lives so that nothing bad ever happens to them.  However, what they don't realize is that we need to experience failure or deal with challenging situations to fully develop our emotional mind and well being.  How would you know happiness if you've never experienced sorrow?  It's the price we pay to be able to reach our full potential in life.

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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Using Failures as Stepping Stones

Nobody likes to fail, but it is just a part of life.  Sometimes we like to think that if we achieve enough success, we will stop experiencing failures.  But it's just the opposite!  The more you try to achieve, the more failure you will experience.  It's the people who learn to use failures as stepping stones and not stumbling blocks to reach their goals that are most successful.

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Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The Comfort Zone Paradox

Most people go through their lives doing everything they can to stay in their comfort zone because they believe it is a less painful way to live.  The paradox is that if you try to stay in your comfort zone, it doesn't stay the same size; it gets smaller.  Likewise, if you try and leave your comfort zone, it gets bigger.

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Thursday, May 31, 2012

You Become Like the 5 People You Spend the Most Time With

Whatever you choose to expose yourself to, you will eventually incorporate into your life.  Books, movies and music all have an energy level that is either positive or negative.  What many of us do not realize is that people also have energy levels that can be either positive or negative.  Whomever you choose to associate with you will eventually take on their energy.  Make the choice to be around people that lift you up and make you feel good.

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Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The Law of Attraction

Magnets have both positive and negative poles; they either attract objects or repel them away.  Just like the magnet, if we use the Law of Attraction, we can attract what we want or we can repel it away.  It all depends on your thoughts.

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